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New Projects
  1. The Carbondale Study (w/ Kelsey Kretchmeyer, Chris Stout, Jessica Crowe, and George Burruss).  

  2. Concept Formation of Social Media (/w New Media Group in SIU College of Mass Communications and Media Arts).

  3. Race, Trust, and Levels of Government (w/ Anand Sokhey, Tom Holbrook, & James Garand).

  4. Explaining Variation in Political Interest (w/ Dave Peterson, Joanne Miller, & Kyle Saunders).

Current Research Projects
  1. P.D. Djupe, S.D. McClurg, and A.E. Sokhey. "The Political Consequences of Gender in Social Networks." (Under review.)

  2. A.E. Sokhey, S.D. McClurg, J. Lyons, and J.D. Seib. "Personality, Interpersona Disagreement, and Political Behavior." (Under review.)

  3. S.D. McClurg, A.E. Sokhey, J.D. Seib, and J. Lyons. "Examining Mechanisms of Political Diagreement." (Under review.)

  4. S. Cramner, P. Leifeld, S.D. McClurg, and M.R. Rolfe. "Modeling Social Networks in Political Science."

  5. S.D. McClurg. "Toward a Network Model of Participiaton: Disagreement, Expertise and Voter Attitudes."

  6. S.A. Gleason, S.D. McClurg, W. Eveland, and H. Song. "The Structural and Personal Determinists of Political Support in Social Groups."

  7. S.D. McClurg and P.A. Garee. "The Contradictory Consequences of Ambivalences for Political Engagement."

  8. S.D. McClurg and F. Solt. "The Roles of Race and Economics in Explaining Voter Turnout."

Previous Publications
  1. M. Bergbower, S.D. McClurg, and T. Holbrook. Forthcoming.  "Presidential Campaigns and Correct Voting."  Social Science Quarterly.

  2. M. Bergbower, S.D. McClurg, and T. Holbrook. 2015.  "The Partisan Content of Candidate Messages in Senate Elections." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Elections.  25(3):333-350.

  3. L. Nir and S.D. McClurg. 2015.  "How Institutions Affect Gender Gaps in Public Opinion Expression.Public Opinion Quarterly.  79(2):544-567.  (Replication Files.)

  4. S.D. McClurg and D. Lazer. 2014. "Political Networks." Social Networks. 36:1-4.

  5. S.D. McClurg, W. Wade, and M. Wright-Phillips.  2013. "He Said, She Said: Gender, Social Networks, and Voting Behavior." American Politics Research. 41(6):1102-123.

  6. C. Klofstad, A.E. Sokhey, and S.D. McClurg. 2013. "Disagreeing about Disagreement: How Conflict in Social Networks Affects Political Behavior.American Journal of Political Science.  57(1):120-34.

  7. A.E. Sokhey and S.D. McClurg. 2012. "Social Networks and Correct Voting." Journal of Politics. 74(3):751-64.

  8. S.D. McClurg and M. Bergbower. 2012. "American Presidential Elections: Institutions, Voters, and Campaigns." Oxford Companion on Elections and Electoral Behavior. Oxford University Press.

  9. S.A. Comparato, S.D. McClurg, and S. Gleanson. 2012. "Patterns of Policy Making Across State Supreme Courts." K. McGuire, ed. New Directions in Judicial Politics. Routledge Press.

  10. H. El Assa, J. Pearson, and S.D. McClurg. 2011. "Investigating Software Piracy in Development Countries: An Extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action." Journal of Business Ethics. 98(4):663-76.

  11. S.D. McClurg and J.K. Young. 2011. "A Relational Political Science.PS: Political Science & Politics. 44(1):39-44.

  12. S.D. McClurg and P. Habel. 2011. "Presidential Elections: Campaigns within a Segmented Electorate." Stephen Medvic, ed. New Directions in Cammpaigns and Elections. Routledge Press.

  13. S.D. McClurg. 2011. "Porous Networks and Overlapping Contexts: Methodological Problems in the Study of Social Cokm8nmcation and Political Behavior." L. Holbert and E. Bucy, eds. Sourcebook of Political Communication Research: Methods, Measures, and Analytical Techniques. Routledge Press.

  14. T. Osborn, S.D. McClurg, and B. Knoll. 2010. "Voter Mobilization and the Obama Victory." American Politics Review. 38(2)211-33.

  15. S.D. McClurg and T. Holbrook. 2009. "Living in a Battleground: Presidential Campaigns and the Activation of the `Fundamental' Considerations." Political Research Quarterly. 62(3):495-506.

  16. C. Klofstad, S.D. McClurg, and M. Rolfe. 2009. "Measurement of Political Discussant Networks: A Comparion of Two `Name Generator` Proedures." Public Opinion Quarterly. 73(3):462-83.

  17. M. Heaney and S.D. McClurg. 2009. "Social Networks and American Politics: Introduction to the Special Issue." American Politics Research. 37(5):727-42. 

  18. S.D. McClurg. 2009. American Politics Today: Test Bank. W.W. Norton.

  19. S. Comparato and S.D. McClurg. 2007. "State Surpreme Court Compliance with Supreme Court Precedent." American Politics Research. 35(5):726-54.

  20. S.D. McClurg. 2006. "Political Disagreement in Context: The conditional Effect of Neighborhood Context, Discussion, and Disagreement on Electoral Particpation." Political Behavior. 28(4):349-66.

  21. S.D. McClurg. 2006. "The Electoral Relevance of Political Talk: Examining the Effect of Disagreement and Expertise in Social Networks on Political Participation." American Journal of Political Science. 50(3)737-54.

  22. T. Holbrook and S.D. McClurg. 2005. "Presidential Campaigns and the Moblizaton of Core Supperters." American Journal of Political Science. 49(4):689-703.

  23. B. Baybeck and S.D. McClurg. 2005. "What Do They Know and How Do They KnowIt? Citizen Awareness of Local Context.American Politics Research. 33(4):492-520.

  24. S.D. McClurg. 2004. "Indirect Moblization: The Social Consequences of Party Contacts in an Election Campaign.American Politics Research. 32(4):406-43.

  25. S.D. McClurg. 2003. "Social Networks and Political Networks: The Role of Social Interaction in Explaining Political Participation." Political Research Quarterly. 56(4):147-69.

  26. W. Bottom, J. Holloway, S.D. McClurg, and G. Miller. 2000. "Negotiiating Coalitions:Risk, Quota Shaving, and Learning to Bargain." Journal of Conflict Resolution. 44(2):147-69.




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